Guest Post Guidelines
Guest Post Guidelines
The Montana High Tech Business Alliance welcomes guest post submissions from our member companies only. We do not accept guest posts from non-member organizations.
The Alliance publishes an email newsletter (2,000 subscribers) approximately twice a month. These emails reach CEOs, top managers, and decision makers at our 200+ member firms across Montana.
Content of the newsletter includes original feature stories on Montana companies, member news, and events related to high tech, manufacturing, and entrepreneurship. We also publish many of these same stories and resources on our website and through social media.
Example guest post:
On Time, On Budget, Better Results: How Project Management Can Take Your Company to the Next Level by Chris Kirschten
Please consider the following guidelines when submitting:
Educational guest posts should be well-written, helpful, and interesting to our members.
Sharing your expertise is encouraged, but please avoid content that is self-promotional or an obvious sales pitch.
Submissions must meet the standards of our editorial team in order to get published. The editorial team reserves the right to edit and adapt your content, though you have the right to approve the edited article before publication.
At this time there are no length requirements, though we may use “Read more” links or publish longer articles as a series.
If you reference third-party sources to write your article, please cite them appropriately.
If you wish to submit an article that was previously published elsewhere, please let us know so we can credit and/or link to the original source.
Guest posts may include a photo or logo, a short author bio, and links to a website or social media accounts at the end of the article.
Press releases or news stories about our members are accepted at any time and featured as news items.
If you have questions, wish to discuss article ideas, or would like to submit a guest post, please contact Christina Henderson: director[at]mthightech.org.