Membership Benefits

Montana High Tech Business Alliance Membership Benefits

  • Events & Networking

    Engage the Montana tech community at happy hours, roundtables, and webinars.

  • Marketing & PR

    Build your brand visibility through our newsletter, social media, speaking opportunities, and sponsorships.

  • Recruiting

    Find talent through our Montana job board, jobs newsletter, and educational career events at Montana colleges.

  • Leadership

    Give back and join fellow leaders in shaping a positive future for Montana.

About Montana High Tech Business Alliance Membership

Join more than 200 member firms working together to help high tech and manufacturing companies grow and create more high-paying jobs in Montana. Apply for membership here.

See the charts below for a detailed description of member benefits at every level.

MHTBA Membership Benefits 2023
Startup $100 Bronze $500 Silver $1,000 Gold $2,500 Platinum $5,000
1-4 employees; for tech firms under 3 years old with intent to scale 2-50 employees 51-100 employees 101-250 employees 250+ employees
Goal: Connect with peers Recruit top talent Build your brand Join fellow leaders Shape Montana's future
Included in Membership: Everything in Industry Professional, plus: Everything in Bronze, plus: Everything in Silver, plus: Everything in Gold, plus:



✔ 2 tickets per reception or happy hour
✔ 1 ticket per tech roundtable
✔ Attend virtual events or webinars

✔ Post news + events in email newsletter, social media
✔ Basic directory listing (logo, short description)
✔ Four free job board posts per year ($250 value per post)
✔ Eligible to serve on boards or committees
✔ 4 tickets per reception or happy hour
✔ 2 tickets per roundtable
✔ Deluxe directory listing (logo, detailed description)
✔ Priority marketing placement tier 4
✔ Eligible for support with grant applications, such as a letter of support

✔ Unlimited job board posts ($250 value per post)
✔ Eligible to sponsor events
✔ 6 tickets per reception or happy hour
✔ 2 tickets per roundtable

✔ Premier directory listing (logo, detailed description, photos and video) - staff curated
✔ Priority marketing placement tier 3
✔ Eligible to submit guest posts to newsletter/blog, with editorial approval

✔ Staff-managed job board posts
✔ Featured jobs on website and social media (1 per quarter)
✔ 8 tickets per reception or happy hour
✔ 3 tickets per roundtable

✔ Priority marketing placement tier 2
✔ Company name featured on website, newsletter, and event signage
✔ Direct email to members, 1/year

✔ Custom content package ($1,500 value) - partner with us to craft a project that supports your strategic goals. (Live events, webinars, articles, social posts, etc.)
✔ 10 tickets per reception or happy hour
✔ 3 tickets per roundtable
✔ Strategic networking introductions

✔ Priority marketing placement tier 1
✔ Company logo featured on website, newsletter, and event signage
✔ Verbal event recognition
✔ Visionary content package ($3,000 value) - work with our team to design a content series, idea forum, or special initiative that delivers progress on what matters to you.

MHTBA Business Membership Benefits

MHTBA Individual Membership Benefits

MHTBA Individual Membership Benefits 2023
Emerging Professional $50 Remote Professional $100 Industry Professional $250
Goal: Launch a career Connect with peers Share your expertise
Who it's for: A student, new grad or transitioning veteran (for 2 years) Employees looking for community and giving back. Consultants seeking clients and brand visibility.
Included in Membership: Included in Membership: Included in Membership:


✔ 1 ticket reception, happy hour, or roundtable
✔ Virtual events

✔ Newsletter and social media posts

✔ Community engagement
✔ Eligible to serve on committees
✔ 1 ticket per reception, happy hour, or roundtable
✔ Virtual events

✔ Newsletter and social media posts

✔ Community engagement
✔ Eligible to serve on committees
✔ 2 tickets per reception or happy hour
✔ 1 ticket roundtable
✔ Virtual events

✔ Newsletter and social media posts
✔ Directory listing
✔ Resource Guide listing
✔ Community engagement
✔ Eligible to serve on boards or committees
✔ Eligible to sponsor events

Who can join?

Membership in the Alliance is open to companies engaged in high tech and manufacturing that have operations in Montana or the IT departments of firms in other industries. High tech is defined as firms that:

  • make or sell high tech products,

  • provide professional services or consulting related to high tech,

  • conduct e-commerce, or

  • engage in manufacturing using skilled labor.

Organizations that serve technology companies in industries such as law, banking, or government may join as affiliate members. Firms located out-of-state may also join as affiliate members.

Membership Types

High-tech Member: For high tech and manufacturing companies with operations in Montana, or IT departments of Montana-based organizations.

Affiliate Member: For organizations that serve tech companies in fields like law, finance, higher education, nonprofits, or government.

Individual Member: For individual employees not covered under a business membership, remote workers, or professionals interested in networking and connecting with their peers.

Membership Levels

Business Membership Levels: For high tech and manufacturing companies with operations in Montana or the IT departments of organizations in other industries. Choose your level based on your number of full-time employees in Montana, or on desired membership benefits.

  • Platinum ($5,000 Annually) 250+ employees

  • Gold ($2,500 Annually) 101-250 employees

  • Silver ($1,000 Annually) 51-100 employees

  • Bronze ($500 Annually) 2-50 employees

  • Startup ($100 Annually) 1-4 employees; available for tech and manufacturing companies under 3 years old with the intent to grow

Affiliate Membership Levels: For organizations that serve high tech companies such as law firms, banks, government, higher education, or nonprofits. Choose your level based on your number of full-time employees in Montana, or on desired membership benefits.

  • Platinum Affiliate ($5,000) 250+ employees

  • Gold Affiliate ($2,500) 101-250 employees

  • Silver Affiliate ($1,000) 51-100 employees

  • Bronze Affiliate ($500) 1-50 employees

Individual Memberships: For individual employees not covered under a business membership, remote workers, or professionals interested in networking and connecting with their peers.

  • Industry Professional ($250 Annually) 1 employee; consultants or others interested in brand visibility, leadership opportunities, and bringing guests to receptions.

  • Remote Professional ($100 Annually) individual employees interested in networking and supporting the tech community.

  • Emerging Professional ($50 Annually) available up to two years for a student, new graduate or transitioning veteran

Benefits of Membership:

Every membership connects you to Montana’s tech community through in-person and virtual networking events and allows you to post relevant events and news in our member newsletter and social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X). Every member is also eligible for voting in board elections.

As you invest at higher levels, the Montana High Tech Business Alliance provides more resources to help you reach your business goals:

  • Events & Networking - Bring more guests to events, speak on a panel, or give a 5-minute lightning talk at a reception.

  • Recruiting - Add unlimited posts to our curated high-tech job board, weekly jobs email, and social media posts. Get featured listings to boost results. Join us for targeted career events to reach students at the University of Montana, Montana State University, two-year colleges, and other Montana schools.

  • Personalized Service - Higher level memberships include staff support in managing jobs, updating directory listings, crafting company profiles, and more.

  • Marketing & PR - Create listings in our member directory. Build your brand through priority marketing placement, positive news stories, and thought leadership.

  • Custom Content - Partner with us on targeted projects that support what matters to you.

  • Workforce Development - Your investment underwrites helpful resources for Montana students, job seekers, and startups. We also provide pro bono memberships and marketing to nonprofits providing free services to youth in STEM education, robotics, coding, and work-based learning, as well as those increasing access to STEM fields for girls, low income individuals, incarcerated individuals, and rural and tribal communities. Check out our 501(c)3 nonprofit Montana Jobs Network to learn more about our work supporting Montana’s next generation of technology workers.

  • Leadership - Join fellow technology leaders in shaping a positive future for our kids and grandkids.